COVID-19 Updates
Te-Whanganui-a-Tara is now under Alert Level 2
Our offices will remain closed to the public during Alert Level 2 until further notice.
We can continue to support you during this time.
Available 24/7
What does Alert Level 2 mean for me and my Whānau?
At Alert Level 2, there are no restrictions on who can be included in your household bubble.
You can go to work, and all businesses and services can open but legally must follow public health rules.
Early learning services, schools, kura and tertiary education facilities are open to everyone.
Even if you have been vaccinated, you still need to follow the rules to keep everyone safe.
At Alert Level 2, you can travel, but make sure you do it in a safe way
Click here to learn more about travel and transport at Alert Level 2
For you and your whānau safety, wear a mask when leaving your whare
At alert level 2, you must legally wear a face covering when:
Using public transport, airplanes (including in arrival and departure points such as train stations and bus stops) and in a taxi or ride-share vehicle
visiting a healthcare or aged care facility
inside retail businesses, such as supermarkets, pharmacies, -
shopping malls, indoor marketplaces, takeaway food stores, and public venues, such as museums and libraries
visiting the public areas within courts and tribunals, local and central Government agencies, and social service providers with customer service counters.
Click here to know more about face covering requirements
Don't forget to:
Check on your Whānau
If you are feeling unwell, call the
Healthline and get tested
To find the nearest testing station near you please click here
Keep up hygiene practices & sanitise